Before applying for personal vehicle finance, there are a few criteria you need to bear in mind:
1. The vehicle must not be older than 10 years from 2014 to brand new.
2. You need to be permanently employed or self-employed.
3. You must earn more than R10,000.00 per month.
4. You must have a clear ITC record.
5. You must be in possession of a valid RSA ID Book.
6. You must be in possession of a valid drivers license.
7. The Vehicle Purchase Price should preferably not be below R40,000.00.
We can also assist with bike refinance, in other words, we can re-finance a currently financed vehicle with a financial institute so that your monthly installment is reduced.
Car Finance & Vehicle Finance Solutions
Tel: 0861 227 346 (0861 CARFIN)
E-Mail: [email protected]